Higo Privacy Policy

Last Update: 27 Dec 2019

Please read this Privacy Policy and Higo Terms of Use prior to using any Higo application.

We at Higo have created this Privacy Policy to describe how information is collected, used, and disclosed when you use a Higo Offering. By using any Higo Offering, you consent to the collection and use of your personal information as outlined in this Privacy Policy effective as of the date posted above. If you disagree with the terms of this Privacy Policy, do not use Higo Offerings.

You must be at least eighteen (18) years of age to use Higo Offerings involving social casino-style game play. If you are a parent or legal guardian of a user under the age of eighteen (18), you agree to be fully responsible for the acts or omissions of such user in relation to any Higo Offering. For additional policies pertaining to children, please see the section on CHILDREN below.

Higo develops and publishes social games for the mobile devices. The term "Higo Offering" means any Higo application or service.

Personally Identifiable Information:
We may collect the following information when you use a Higo Offering:
  ●Registration information (you device ID, user name).
  ●Contact information, if you contact us with an inquiry, provide feedback, or sign up for updates from us (email or postal address, telephone number).
  ●Purchase transaction information if you make a purchase (we use a third party service provider for these transactions so while we receive information about the transaction we do not receive your billing or payment information).
  ●Social network website user information if you access the Service through a social network (your social network website user identification number or other third party user identification number which may be linked to information that is publicly available, information that is visible on your social network page if you have allowed this through the privacy settings on your social network account).
  ●Sometimes we collect information about you from other sources, for example, when someone provides your email address to us to invite you to join the Service.

Technical Information:
When an user accesses a Higo Offering, we may collect technical information about the user’s device, such as the IP address that requested the display of the Higo Offering, whether you are connected to Wi-Fi or to Mobile Data, the operating system type, the resolution of your device’s the identifiers associated with the device.

Cookies and Web Beacons:
Cookies are text files that we and our service providers may place on your device's browser to enable our systems to recognize your browser and to provide features such as storage of items in your shopping cart between visits, personalized Higo advertisements on third party websites and mobile applications, and personalized third party advertisements within certain Higo Offerings.

We may also track other types of information, such as what games users download and install, any download errors, what games users purchase, how long our users have been participating in any Higo Offerings, the last time a user accessed a Higo Offering, user behavior and gameplay (e.g., which options you choose, your progress in the game, how long you play), whether a user has won any of our games, sweepstakes, contests or other promotions featured on a Higo Offering, ad response measurement and other Higo Offerings analytics.

We use cookies for a variety of reasons, including to: (i) analyze the usage of Higo Offerings; (ii) provide a more personalized experience; (iii) manage advertising; (iv) allow you to more easily log in to Higo Offerings; (v) help make your use of Higo Offerings more efficient and more valuable by providing you with a customized experience and recognizing you when you return. We may also employ web beacons or other technology for a variety of reasons such as: (i) allowing us to know if a certain page was visited; and (ii) tracking pixels, which allow us to advertise more efficiently by excluding our current users from certain promotional messages or identifying the source of a new installation.

Social Networking Sites:

If you access a Higo Offering via a third-party social networking site, Higo may receive information about your social networking site profile, including without limitation the information you make publicly available, your social networking site user ID, your first, last and user names, profile and cover photos.


When you download or access Higo Offerings via a mobile device, we and our service providers may receive information about your location (based on your IP address) and your mobile device, including various unique identifiers associated with your device, hardware type, the version of your operating system and your in-game activity. We and our service providers may use this information to provide you with personalized advertising and other content, including advertising and content based on your location.

Aggregated, Anonymous Information:
We may collect aggregated, anonymized information via Higo Offerings that does not identify any single user or device.

To Provide Services to You:
We may use your information to provide you the Higo Offerings and our other services. We may use your username to identify you as a user of a Higo Offering, to provide you with services and to process transactions. We may use or display your username and icon or profile photo, if applicable, for the purposes of rankings, chat identification, and/or game high scores. If you choose to provide a username within a Higo Offering, please do not provide as your username any information that identifies you in real life, such as your real name. We may use your date of birth to confirm your eligibility to participate in Higo Offerings.

We may use an IP address to surface the appropriate country-based version of a Higo Offering to a user.

Advertising Purposes
We and our third party service providers use cookies and other technologies, such as mobile device identifiers, to enhance your experience with Higo Offerings. Cookies also enable you to automatically sign in when you access a Higo Offering, and offer other operational activities within a Higo Offering. We and our third party service providers may also use cookies and other technologies to manage and measure the performance of third party advertisements within certain Higo Offerings, and Higo advertisements on third party sites and mobile applications. This helps us and our service providers provide more relevant advertising to you. We and our third party service providers may also use web beacons to monitor user behavior and collect information about visitors viewing a web page.

We at Higo take reasonable measures to help protect the information we collect from loss, theft, misuse and unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration and destruction. While we have employed security technologies and procedures to assist safeguarding your personal data, no system or network can be guaranteed to be 100% secure.

Third Party Marketplaces and Service Providers:
We may disclose your personal information to third party business partners, marketplaces, and third parties who perform services for us, such as credit card processing, collecting and analyzing data, providing search results and links (including paid listings and links), and providing advertising and marketing assistance, including serving ads on our behalf on third party websites and mobile applications and serving ads on behalf of third parties within certain Higo Offerings.

Business Transfers:
As Higo continues to grow, we might sell or buy certain subsidiaries and/or business units. In such transactions, customer information is generally one of the transferred assets. Also, in the unlikely event that Higo or substantially all of its assets are acquired, customer information would in most cases be one of the transferred assets.

Protection of Higo and Others:
We may also disclose your information if there is a violation of the Terms of Use or other agreements; if we have a good faith belief that the law requires it; or if needed to protect the rights, property or safety of Higo, our customers or others. This includes exchanging information with entities for fraud detection and protection, and credit risk reduction.

You may contact us about your information by emailing us at goldbarslots@hotmail.com.

Mobile Advertising
Most mobile devices provide the ability to opt out of the collection and use of information from the apps you use for purposes of serving ads targeted to your interests. For more information, and to exercise these choices, consult the settings on your device.

Higo Offerings may allow you to play or share information through social media (such as by logging in through a social media account) or contain links to social media services or other third parties. The use of these features and links are subject to the privacy policies of those companies and your settings on those services. Higo has no control over, and is not responsible for, the information submitted to or collected by social networks or other third parties. We encourage you to review those third party privacy policies to understand the way your information may be collected and handled by such third parties.

Higo Offerings may operate message boards and/or chat areas where users can exchange ideas and communicate with each other. When posting to a message board or chat area, the information is being made publicly available in an online environment. Any information posted is the sole responsibility of the individual user.

Higo Offerings are generally designed for users who are at least 13 years of age and older and therefore such Offerings generally do not knowingly collect or make use of "personal information" as defined in the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act ("COPPA") from children under 13, except as consistent with applicable law

Higo respects the privacy of parents and children and is committed to complying with COPPA. If a parent believes that his or her child has submitted personal information to Higo, he or she can contact us via email at goldbarslots@hotmail.com. We will take steps to promptly delete the information upon learning that it relates to a child under the age of 13 (16 in the EU). We recognize the importance of safeguarding the privacy of children and encourage parents to check and monitor their children's use of online activities regularly.

We may modify this Privacy Policy from time to time. When we post changes to this Privacy Policy, we will revise the "last update" date at the top of this page. We encourage you to periodically review this Privacy Policy to be informed of how Higo protects your information.

If you reside in the EU, this section will apply to you. To the extent that provisions in this section contradict other provisions of the Privacy Policy, the provisions in this section prevail for EU residents.

Higo collects, stores, uses and discloses personal information about you. We do so:
  ●to provide you with the service you request, pursuant to our Terms of Use;
  ●based on our legitimate business interest, and subject to your right of objection, to: (i) improve our services and your gaming experience, (ii) ensure the security of our games, (iii) send you newsletters with the latest information on our products and company as well as other advertising for our products, (iv) conclude corporate transactions (e.g., corporate restructuring, sale or assignment of assets, merger);
  ●to comply with our legal obligations, any court order or binding decision;
  ●to protect our rights and property, enforce our Terms of Use and legal notices and for the establishment, exercise and defense of legal claims;
  ●for purposes unrelated to those described in this Privacy Policy by first notifying you and, where required, offering you a choice as to whether or not we may use your personal information in this different manner.
To the extent you provide information about friends and family members, you will present them this Privacy Policy and obtain their consent to provide their information. If you do not have their consent, do not send us their personal information.

We do not accept personal data of children under the age of 13 (16 in the EU).

If you become aware of an account belonging to someone under 13 (16 in the EU), please contact us at the contact details provided at the end of this Privacy Policy.

Withdraw Your Consent:
If you have given us your consent for a particular processing operation, you can withdraw it at all times by contacting us at the contact details provided at the end of this Privacy Policy.

Object /Opt-Out
If we are using your personal information pursuant to our legitimate interest, you have the right, subject to certain conditions, at any time to oppose to our use of your personal information by:
  ●requesting permanent deletion of your account. To exercise this right, please contact Big Fish customer service. Once you request to permanently delete your account, we will require certain information to verify you are the account holder.

Other rights
You may also be entitled to ask us to restrict how we use and disclose your information, and to request access to, a copy, correction, erasure, and portability of your information. Please send any such requests to the contact details provided at the end of this Privacy Policy.

If you are aware of changes or inaccuracies in your information, and you are unable to update such information yourself through our offerings, you should inform us of such changes so that your information may be updated.

You also have the right to lodge a complaint with a data protection authority.

Higo may retain copies of your information for so long as reasonably necessary for the purposes set out above, in accordance with applicable laws or delete it earlier (either in whole or in part) if Higo determines, in its sole discretion, that the same constitutes a violation of Higo’s Terms of Use, this Privacy Policy, or for any or no reason.

Please note that if you are located in the EU or other region, you are transferring information to a country and jurisdiction that does not have the same data protection laws as your jurisdiction.

If you have additional questions regarding this privacy policy or our handling of your personal information please contact us at:

Higo Games
Email address: goldbarslots@hotmail.com